Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.advisorVũ, Huy Thông, PGS.TS
dc.contributor.authorHoàng, Phương Dung
dc.descriptionQuản trị kinh doanh
dc.description.abstractChapter 1: Literature review on factors affecting the willingness, intention, and behaviour to use debit cards. Chapter 2: Theoretical framework and hypothesis development. Chapter 3: Research methods. Chapter 4: Results of the research. Chapter 5: Discussions of the research findings and Implications.
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1: Literature review on factors affecting the willingness, intention, and behaviour to use debit cards. Chapter 2: Theoretical framework and hypothesis development. Chapter 3: Research methods. Chapter 4: Results of the research. Chapter 5: Discussions of the research findings and Implications.
dc.publisherTrường ĐH Kinh Tế Quốc Dân
dc.subjectDebit card holders
dc.subjectDebit cards
dc.subjectFactors influencing
dc.subjectRelation choice
dc.subjectTransaction cost
dc.titleFactors influencing willingness to use debit cards among Vietnamese debit card holders: Transaction cost and relation choice perspectives
dc.typeLuận Án Tiến Sĩ
dc.relation.reference1. Acheson, J. (2002), ‘Rational choice, culture change, and fisheries management in the Gulf of Maine’, Research in Economic Anthropology, 21, 133–159.-
dc.relation.reference2. ACI Universal payments (2019) The new payments ecosystem: Fast, Open, Secure, and Disruptive. Retrieved from: /media/files/collateral/trends/the-new-payments-ecosystem-disruption ebook.pdf.-
dc.relation.reference3. Ahmed, Z.U., Ismail, I., Sohail, M.S., Tabsh, I. and Alias, H. (2010), ‘Malaysian consumers’ credit card usage behaviour’, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(4), 528-544-
dc.relation.reference4. Ajzen, I. (1985), ‘From intentions to actions: a theory of planned behaviour’, in Kuhl, J. et al. (Eds), Action Control, Chapter 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, 11-39, retrieved on May 18, 2019, from [].-
dc.relation.reference5. Ajzen, I. (1991), ‘The theory of planned behaviour’, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 50 (2),179–211.-
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    Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
    Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
    dc.contributor.advisorVũ, Huy Thông, PGS.TS
    dc.contributor.authorHoàng, Phương Dung
    dc.descriptionQuản trị kinh doanh
    dc.description.abstractChapter 1: Literature review on factors affecting the willingness, intention, and behaviour to use debit cards. Chapter 2: Theoretical framework and hypothesis development. Chapter 3: Research methods. Chapter 4: Results of the research. Chapter 5: Discussions of the research findings and Implications.
    dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1: Literature review on factors affecting the willingness, intention, and behaviour to use debit cards. Chapter 2: Theoretical framework and hypothesis development. Chapter 3: Research methods. Chapter 4: Results of the research. Chapter 5: Discussions of the research findings and Implications.
    dc.publisherTrường ĐH Kinh Tế Quốc Dân
    dc.subjectDebit card holders
    dc.subjectDebit cards
    dc.subjectFactors influencing
    dc.subjectRelation choice
    dc.subjectTransaction cost
    dc.titleFactors influencing willingness to use debit cards among Vietnamese debit card holders: Transaction cost and relation choice perspectives
    dc.typeLuận Án Tiến Sĩ
    dc.relation.reference1. Acheson, J. (2002), ‘Rational choice, culture change, and fisheries management in the Gulf of Maine’, Research in Economic Anthropology, 21, 133–159.-
    dc.relation.reference2. ACI Universal payments (2019) The new payments ecosystem: Fast, Open, Secure, and Disruptive. Retrieved from: /media/files/collateral/trends/the-new-payments-ecosystem-disruption ebook.pdf.-
    dc.relation.reference3. Ahmed, Z.U., Ismail, I., Sohail, M.S., Tabsh, I. and Alias, H. (2010), ‘Malaysian consumers’ credit card usage behaviour’, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(4), 528-544-
    dc.relation.reference4. Ajzen, I. (1985), ‘From intentions to actions: a theory of planned behaviour’, in Kuhl, J. et al. (Eds), Action Control, Chapter 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, 11-39, retrieved on May 18, 2019, from [].-
    dc.relation.reference5. Ajzen, I. (1991), ‘The theory of planned behaviour’, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 50 (2),179–211.-
    Bộ sưu tập
    18. Quản trị kinh doanh

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