Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.advisorLe Thuy Linh
dc.contributor.authorTran Thi Dung
dc.descriptionNgoại ngữ
dc.description.abstractChapter 1, Introduction. This part presents the rationale, the scope, the research question, the methods, and the design of the research. Trần Thị Dung – 11191180 - Business English 61C 4 Chapter 2, Literature review, provides readers an overview of the topic including the basic theoretical background about Translation and Google Translate, and application of Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of BE students. Chapter 3, Analysis and Findings, provides data analysis, major findings of student and give some recommendations for BE students to using GT effectively on the process of English - Vietnamese translation Chapter 4, Recommendations for some solutions when using Google Translate on the process of English – Vietnamese translation Chapter 5, Conclusion summarizes the research, limitation of the research, and giving some suggestions for further reasearch
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1, Introduction. This part presents the rationale, the scope, the research question, the methods, and the design of the research. Trần Thị Dung – 11191180 - Business English 61C 4 Chapter 2, Literature review, provides readers an overview of the topic including the basic theoretical background about Translation and Google Translate, and application of Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of BE students. Chapter 3, Analysis and Findings, provides data analysis, major findings of student and give some recommendations for BE students to using GT effectively on the process of English - Vietnamese translation Chapter 4, Recommendations for some solutions when using Google Translate on the process of English – Vietnamese translation Chapter 5, Conclusion summarizes the research, limitation of the research, and giving some suggestions for further reasearch
dc.subjectGoogle Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business
dc.titleThe Impact of using Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business English majors at National Economics University
dc.typeChuyên đề tốt nghiệp
Bộ sưu tập
22. Ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh

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    Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
    Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
    dc.contributor.advisorLe Thuy Linh
    dc.contributor.authorTran Thi Dung
    dc.descriptionNgoại ngữ
    dc.description.abstractChapter 1, Introduction. This part presents the rationale, the scope, the research question, the methods, and the design of the research. Trần Thị Dung – 11191180 - Business English 61C 4 Chapter 2, Literature review, provides readers an overview of the topic including the basic theoretical background about Translation and Google Translate, and application of Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of BE students. Chapter 3, Analysis and Findings, provides data analysis, major findings of student and give some recommendations for BE students to using GT effectively on the process of English - Vietnamese translation Chapter 4, Recommendations for some solutions when using Google Translate on the process of English – Vietnamese translation Chapter 5, Conclusion summarizes the research, limitation of the research, and giving some suggestions for further reasearch
    dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1, Introduction. This part presents the rationale, the scope, the research question, the methods, and the design of the research. Trần Thị Dung – 11191180 - Business English 61C 4 Chapter 2, Literature review, provides readers an overview of the topic including the basic theoretical background about Translation and Google Translate, and application of Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of BE students. Chapter 3, Analysis and Findings, provides data analysis, major findings of student and give some recommendations for BE students to using GT effectively on the process of English - Vietnamese translation Chapter 4, Recommendations for some solutions when using Google Translate on the process of English – Vietnamese translation Chapter 5, Conclusion summarizes the research, limitation of the research, and giving some suggestions for further reasearch
    dc.subjectGoogle Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business
    dc.titleThe Impact of using Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business English majors at National Economics University
    dc.typeChuyên đề tốt nghiệp
    Bộ sưu tập
    22. Ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh

    Ảnh bìa
  • CD.944.pdf
    • Dung lượng : 821,52 kB

    • Định dạng : Adobe PDF

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