Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorHo, Hoang Lan
dc.contributor.otherPhan, Thi Hoai Thuong
dc.descriptioneconomic management and policy
dc.description.abstractUsing data from 22 transition economies over the period of 2005 to 2015, this paper uses a two-stage least squares model and two diffrent fiancial inclusion index to investigate the impact of fiancial inclusion on income inequality. We fid that there is a negative relationship between fiancial inclusion and income inequality in these transition economies. The paper also suggests some policy recommendations to reduce income inequality through developing fiancial inclusion.
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction; 2. Literature review; 3. Empirical model; 4. Data; 5. Empirical results; 6. Policy recommendations
dc.format.extentKhổ 21 x 29.7
dc.publisherKinh Tế Quốc Dân
dc.subjectFinancial inclusion
dc.subjectincome inequality
dc.subjecttransition economies
dc.titleFinancial Inclusion and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economies
dc.typeJournal of Economics and Development
dc.identifier.barcodeArticle 2_JED_Vol 21_Special Issue
dc.relation.referenceArora, R.U. (2010), Financial access in South Asia, retrieved on April 19th 2018 , from <https:// bin/conference/download.cgi?db_name=ACE10&paper_id=98>. Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Levine, R. (2007), ‘Finance, inequality and the poor’, Journal of Economic Growth, 12(1), 27-49. Journal of Economics and Development 33 Vol. 21, Special Issue, 2019 Brune, L., Gine, X., Goldberg, J. and Yang, D. (2011), ‘Commitments to save: A fild experiment in rural Malawi’, Policy Research Working Paper 5748, World Bank, Washington D.C. Burgess, R. and Pande, R. (2005), ‘Do rural banks matter? Evidence from the Indian Social Banking experiment’, American Economic Review, 95(3), 780-795. Camara, N. and Tuesta, D. (2014), ‘Measuring fiancial inclusion: A multidimensional index’, Working Paper No 14/26, BBVA. Chattopadhyay, S.K. (2011), ‘Financial inclusion in India: A case-study of West Bengal’, MPRA Paper No. 34269, Munich Personal RePEc Archive. Chen, Z. and Jin, M. (2017), ‘Financial inclusion in China: Use of Credit’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 38(4), 528-540. Chithra, N. and Selvam, M. (2013), Determinants of fiancial inclusion: An empirical study on the interstate variations in India, retrieved on April 19th 2018, from <>. Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Klapper, L. (2013), ‘Measuring fiancial inclusion: Explaining variation in use of fiancial services across and within countries’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 44(1), 279- 340. Gjoni, E. (2015), ‘Innovation in the banking sector’, presentation at the conference of Innovation in the banking sector, Tirana, May 14th 2015. Hogarth, J., Anguelov, C. and Lee, J. (2005), ‘Who has a bank account? Exploring changes over time 1989- 2001’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 26(1), 7-30. Hogel, L., Mansouri, K., Jain, I., Wuppalapati, S., Xu, A. and Patkai, V. (2013), Financial inclusion investment landscape: Indonesia and Vietnam, The Business School for the World, 18. Honohan, P. (2008), ‘Cross-country variation in household access to fiancial services’, Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(11), 2493-2500. International Monetary Fund (2000), Transition economies: An IMF perspective on progress and prospects, retrieved on December 7th 2017, from <>. Kapingura, F.M. (2017), ‘Financial sector development and income inequality in South Africa’, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 8(4), 420-432. Karlan, D. and Zinman, J. (2006), ‘Expanding credit access: Using randomized supply decisions to estimate the impacts’, Review of Financial Studies, 23(1), 433-464. Karpowicz, I. (2014), ‘Financial inclusion, growth and inequality: A model application to Colombia’, IMF Working Papers, 14(166), 1-32. Keane, M. and Prasad, E. (2002), ‘Inequality, transfers, and growth: New evidence from the economic transition in Poland’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(2), 324-341. Kim, J.H. (2015), ‘A study on the effct of fiancial inclusion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth’, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(2), 498-512. Lyman, T., Staschen, S. and Tomilova, O. (2013), Landscaping report: Financial inclusion in Russia, retrieved on 19th April 2018, from <>. Michael, O. and Sharon, O. (2014), ‘Financial system, fiancial inclusion and economic development in Nigeria’, International Journal of Management Sciences, 2(3), 139-148. Montfort, M., Cui, L., Jidoud, A., Newiak, M. and Radzewicz-Bak, B. (2016), Financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, International Monetary Fund. Motonishi, T. (2006), ‘Why has income inequality in Thailand increased?: An analysis using surveys from 1975 to 1998’, Japan and the World Economy, 18(4), 464-487. Park, C.Y. and Mercado, R.V. (2015), ‘Financial inclusion, poverty, and income inequality in developing Asia’, ADB economics working paper series No. 426, Asian Development Bank. Rojas-Suarez, L. (2010), ‘Access to fiancial services in emerging powers: Facts, obstacles and recommendations’, Perspectives on Global Development 2010: Shifting Wealth, OECD, March 2010. Sarma, M. (2008), ‘Index of fiancial inclusion’, Working Paper No. 215, Indian council for research on international economic relations. SBV (2017), Promoting Financial Inclusion in Viet Nam, Hanoi, Vietnam. Sehrawat, M. and Giri, A. (2015), ‘Financial development and income inequality in India: an application of ARDL approach’, International Journal of Social Economics, 42(1), 64-81. Sehrawat, M. and Giri, A. (2016), ‘Panel data analysis of fiancial development, economic growth and rural-urban income inequality’, International Journal of Social Economics, 43(10), 998-1015. Sparreboom, P. and Dufls, E. (2012), ‘Financial inclusion in the people’s Republic of China: An analysis of existing research and public data’, China Papers on Inclusiveness, 7, 11-64. Wiesiolek, P. and Tymoczko, D. (2014), ‘The evolution of banking sectors in Central and Eastern Europe’, BIS Paper, 83, 313-323. World Bank (2016), Russian Federation − Financial sector assessment program: Technical note − fiancial inclusion, World Bank Group, Washington, D.C. World Bank (2018), New report analyzes China’s Impressive trajectory toward universal fiancial inclusion, retrieved on 19th April 2018, from <>.
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    Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
    Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
    dc.contributor.authorHo, Hoang Lan
    dc.contributor.otherPhan, Thi Hoai Thuong
    dc.descriptioneconomic management and policy
    dc.description.abstractUsing data from 22 transition economies over the period of 2005 to 2015, this paper uses a two-stage least squares model and two diffrent fiancial inclusion index to investigate the impact of fiancial inclusion on income inequality. We fid that there is a negative relationship between fiancial inclusion and income inequality in these transition economies. The paper also suggests some policy recommendations to reduce income inequality through developing fiancial inclusion.
    dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction; 2. Literature review; 3. Empirical model; 4. Data; 5. Empirical results; 6. Policy recommendations
    dc.format.extentKhổ 21 x 29.7
    dc.publisherKinh Tế Quốc Dân
    dc.subjectFinancial inclusion
    dc.subjectincome inequality
    dc.subjecttransition economies
    dc.titleFinancial Inclusion and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economies
    dc.typeJournal of Economics and Development
    dc.identifier.barcodeArticle 2_JED_Vol 21_Special Issue
    dc.relation.referenceArora, R.U. (2010), Financial access in South Asia, retrieved on April 19th 2018 , from <https:// bin/conference/download.cgi?db_name=ACE10&paper_id=98>. Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Levine, R. (2007), ‘Finance, inequality and the poor’, Journal of Economic Growth, 12(1), 27-49. Journal of Economics and Development 33 Vol. 21, Special Issue, 2019 Brune, L., Gine, X., Goldberg, J. and Yang, D. (2011), ‘Commitments to save: A fild experiment in rural Malawi’, Policy Research Working Paper 5748, World Bank, Washington D.C. Burgess, R. and Pande, R. (2005), ‘Do rural banks matter? Evidence from the Indian Social Banking experiment’, American Economic Review, 95(3), 780-795. Camara, N. and Tuesta, D. (2014), ‘Measuring fiancial inclusion: A multidimensional index’, Working Paper No 14/26, BBVA. Chattopadhyay, S.K. (2011), ‘Financial inclusion in India: A case-study of West Bengal’, MPRA Paper No. 34269, Munich Personal RePEc Archive. Chen, Z. and Jin, M. (2017), ‘Financial inclusion in China: Use of Credit’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 38(4), 528-540. Chithra, N. and Selvam, M. (2013), Determinants of fiancial inclusion: An empirical study on the interstate variations in India, retrieved on April 19th 2018, from <>. Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Klapper, L. (2013), ‘Measuring fiancial inclusion: Explaining variation in use of fiancial services across and within countries’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 44(1), 279- 340. Gjoni, E. (2015), ‘Innovation in the banking sector’, presentation at the conference of Innovation in the banking sector, Tirana, May 14th 2015. Hogarth, J., Anguelov, C. and Lee, J. (2005), ‘Who has a bank account? Exploring changes over time 1989- 2001’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 26(1), 7-30. Hogel, L., Mansouri, K., Jain, I., Wuppalapati, S., Xu, A. and Patkai, V. (2013), Financial inclusion investment landscape: Indonesia and Vietnam, The Business School for the World, 18. Honohan, P. (2008), ‘Cross-country variation in household access to fiancial services’, Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(11), 2493-2500. International Monetary Fund (2000), Transition economies: An IMF perspective on progress and prospects, retrieved on December 7th 2017, from <>. Kapingura, F.M. (2017), ‘Financial sector development and income inequality in South Africa’, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 8(4), 420-432. Karlan, D. and Zinman, J. (2006), ‘Expanding credit access: Using randomized supply decisions to estimate the impacts’, Review of Financial Studies, 23(1), 433-464. Karpowicz, I. (2014), ‘Financial inclusion, growth and inequality: A model application to Colombia’, IMF Working Papers, 14(166), 1-32. Keane, M. and Prasad, E. (2002), ‘Inequality, transfers, and growth: New evidence from the economic transition in Poland’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(2), 324-341. Kim, J.H. (2015), ‘A study on the effct of fiancial inclusion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth’, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(2), 498-512. Lyman, T., Staschen, S. and Tomilova, O. (2013), Landscaping report: Financial inclusion in Russia, retrieved on 19th April 2018, from <>. Michael, O. and Sharon, O. (2014), ‘Financial system, fiancial inclusion and economic development in Nigeria’, International Journal of Management Sciences, 2(3), 139-148. Montfort, M., Cui, L., Jidoud, A., Newiak, M. and Radzewicz-Bak, B. (2016), Financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, International Monetary Fund. Motonishi, T. (2006), ‘Why has income inequality in Thailand increased?: An analysis using surveys from 1975 to 1998’, Japan and the World Economy, 18(4), 464-487. Park, C.Y. and Mercado, R.V. (2015), ‘Financial inclusion, poverty, and income inequality in developing Asia’, ADB economics working paper series No. 426, Asian Development Bank. Rojas-Suarez, L. (2010), ‘Access to fiancial services in emerging powers: Facts, obstacles and recommendations’, Perspectives on Global Development 2010: Shifting Wealth, OECD, March 2010. Sarma, M. (2008), ‘Index of fiancial inclusion’, Working Paper No. 215, Indian council for research on international economic relations. SBV (2017), Promoting Financial Inclusion in Viet Nam, Hanoi, Vietnam. Sehrawat, M. and Giri, A. (2015), ‘Financial development and income inequality in India: an application of ARDL approach’, International Journal of Social Economics, 42(1), 64-81. Sehrawat, M. and Giri, A. (2016), ‘Panel data analysis of fiancial development, economic growth and rural-urban income inequality’, International Journal of Social Economics, 43(10), 998-1015. Sparreboom, P. and Dufls, E. (2012), ‘Financial inclusion in the people’s Republic of China: An analysis of existing research and public data’, China Papers on Inclusiveness, 7, 11-64. Wiesiolek, P. and Tymoczko, D. (2014), ‘The evolution of banking sectors in Central and Eastern Europe’, BIS Paper, 83, 313-323. World Bank (2016), Russian Federation − Financial sector assessment program: Technical note − fiancial inclusion, World Bank Group, Washington, D.C. World Bank (2018), New report analyzes China’s Impressive trajectory toward universal fiancial inclusion, retrieved on 19th April 2018, from <>.
    Bộ sưu tập
    02. Tạp chí (Tiếng Anh)

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