Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorVu, Quynh Nam
dc.contributor.otherTran, Chi Thien
dc.descriptiontourism economy
dc.description.abstractData collected from a survey of 215 visitors in 3 traditional craft tea villages in Thai Nguyen province were analyzed by using multivariate data analysis (test for the reliability of the scales, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate regression analysis) to determine the factors that affct tourist satisfaction with the villages as tourism destinations. The results showed that natural characteristics, infrastructure, service quality, government support, and emotional values are major factors that inflence tourist satisfaction. Based on that, the study proposed some solutions for the local government, tourism enterprises and the local communities to improve tourist satisfaction and develop traditional craft tea village tourism in Thai Nguyen province towards a sustainable manner.
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical background; 3. Research methods; 4. Research results; 5. Conclusion and recommendations
dc.format.extentKhổ 21 x 29.7
dc.publisherKinh Tế Quốc Dân
dc.subjectAffcting factors
dc.subjectThai Nguyen province
dc.subjecttraditional craft tea villages
dc.subjecttourist satisfaction
dc.titleFactors Affcting Tourist Satisfaction with Traditional Craft Tea Villages in Thai Nguyen Province
dc.typeJournal of Economics and Development
dc.identifier.barcodeArticle 11_JED_Vol 21_Special Issue
dc.relation.referenceAdinegara, G.N.J., Suprapti N.W.S., Yasa, N.N.K. & Sukaatmaja, I.P.G. (2017), ‘Antecedents and Consequences of Tourist Satisfaction: A literature Review’, ASEAN Marketing Journal, IX(1), 40-53. Aliman, N.K., Hashim, S.M., Wahid, S.D. & Harudin, S. (2016), ‘Tourists’ Satisfaction with a Destination: An Investigation on Visitors to Langkawi Island’, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 8(3), 173-188. Chen, C.F. & Tsai, D. (2007), ‘How destination image and valuation factors affct behavioral intentions’, Tourism Management, 28, 1115-1122. Chon, K.S. (1990), ‘The role of destination image in tourism: a review and discussion’, The Tourist Review, 45(2), 2-9. Dao Trung Kien, Tran Manh Toan, Bui Quang Tuyen, Nguyen Van Duy & Nguyen Thi Lien (2014), ‘The impact of local attributes on the satisfaction of investment enterprises: Evidence from Hai Duong’, Journal of Economics and Development, 210 (1), 43-52. De Ruyter, K., Wetzels, M. & Bloemer, J. (1997), ‘The dynamics of the service delivery process: a valuebased approach’, International Journal of Research in Marketing,14(3), 231-243. Dmitrovic T., Cvelbar, L. Kolah, T., Brencici, M., Ograjensek, I. & Zabkar, V. (2009), ‘Conceptualizing tourist satisfaction at the destination level’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3(2), 116-126. Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R. & Tatham, R. (2006), Multivariate Data Analysis, 6th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Khatib, F.S., and Al-Ali R.O. (2011), ‘Factors affcting tourists satisfaction of Jordan as a tourism destination’, Studies in Business and Economics, 16(1), 19-38. Kotler, P. (2001), Marketing Management, Millennium Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Lin, C.H., Morais, D., Kerstetter, D. & Hou, J.S. (2007), ‘Examining the role of cognitive and affctive image in predicting choice across natural, developed and theme-park destinations’, Journal of Travel Research, 46, 183-194. Martin, H.S. & Del Bosque, I.A. (2008), ‘Exploring the cognitive – affctive nature of destination image and the role of psychological factors in its formation’, Tourism Management, 29(2), 263-277. Meng, Shiang-Min, Liang, Gin-Shuh & Yang, Shi-Hao (2011), ‘Relationship of cruise image, perceived value, satisfaction, and Post-purchase behavioral intention on Taiwan tourists’, African Journal of Business Management, 5(1), 19-29. Mossberg, L. & Kleppe, I. (2005), ‘Country and destination image: Diffrent or similar image concepts’, The Service Industries Journal, 25(4), 493-503. Nguyen, N. & Leblanc, G. (2011), ‘Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers, retention decisions in services’, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 8(4), 277-236. Nunnally, J.C. & Bernstein, I.H. (1994), ‘The assessment of reliability’, Psychometric Theory, 3 rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 248-292. Phan Minh Duc & Le Tan Buu (2017), ‘The impact of destination image, emotional value on the satisfaction and the loyalty of visitors to Da Lat city’, Journal of Economics and Development, 236 (2), 82-91. Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam (2017), Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW, on developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector, promulgated on January 16th, 2017. Sadeh, E., Asgari, F., Mousavi, L. & Sadeh, S. (2012), ‘Factor affcting tourist satisfaction and its consequences’, Journal of Basis and Applied Scientifi Research, 2(2), 1557-2012. Severt, D., Wang, Y., Chen, P. & Breiter, D. (2007), ‘Examining the motivation, perceived performance and behavioral intentions of conventional attendees: Evidence from a regional conference’, Tourism Management, 28(2), 399-408. Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee (2017), ‘Thai Nguyen Provincial Culture, Sports and Tourism Program in the period of 2017-2020’, issued on June 26, 2017 under Decision No. 1570 / QD-UBND of the Provincial People’s Committee Thai Nguyen. Ugurlu, T. (2010), Defiition of tourism: UNWTO defiition of tourism-what is tourism, retrieved on June 3rd 2018, from <>. Um, S., Chon, K. & Ro, Y. (2006), ‘Antecedents of revisit intention’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4), 1141-1158. Wang, X., Zhang, J., Gu, C. & Zhen, F. (2009), ‘Examining antecedents and consequences of tourist satisfaction: a structural modeling approach’, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 14(3), 397-406. Williams, P. & Soutar, G.M (2009), ‘Value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in an adventure tourism context’, Annals of Tourism Research, 36(3), 413-438. Woodruff R.B. (1997), ‘Customer value: the next source of competitive advantage’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(22), 139-153. World Travel and Tourism Council (2017), Coping with success managing overcrowding in tourism destinations. Executive Summary retrieved on June 16th, 2018, from < fies/reports/policy-research/coping-with-success-executive-summary.pdf>. Zabkar, V., Brencic, M. & Dmitrovic, T. (2010), ‘Modeling perceive quality, visitors’ satisfaction and behavioral intensions at the destination level’, Tourism Management, 31(4), 537-546.
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    Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
    Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
    dc.contributor.authorVu, Quynh Nam
    dc.contributor.otherTran, Chi Thien
    dc.descriptiontourism economy
    dc.description.abstractData collected from a survey of 215 visitors in 3 traditional craft tea villages in Thai Nguyen province were analyzed by using multivariate data analysis (test for the reliability of the scales, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate regression analysis) to determine the factors that affct tourist satisfaction with the villages as tourism destinations. The results showed that natural characteristics, infrastructure, service quality, government support, and emotional values are major factors that inflence tourist satisfaction. Based on that, the study proposed some solutions for the local government, tourism enterprises and the local communities to improve tourist satisfaction and develop traditional craft tea village tourism in Thai Nguyen province towards a sustainable manner.
    dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical background; 3. Research methods; 4. Research results; 5. Conclusion and recommendations
    dc.format.extentKhổ 21 x 29.7
    dc.publisherKinh Tế Quốc Dân
    dc.subjectAffcting factors
    dc.subjectThai Nguyen province
    dc.subjecttraditional craft tea villages
    dc.subjecttourist satisfaction
    dc.titleFactors Affcting Tourist Satisfaction with Traditional Craft Tea Villages in Thai Nguyen Province
    dc.typeJournal of Economics and Development
    dc.identifier.barcodeArticle 11_JED_Vol 21_Special Issue
    dc.relation.referenceAdinegara, G.N.J., Suprapti N.W.S., Yasa, N.N.K. & Sukaatmaja, I.P.G. (2017), ‘Antecedents and Consequences of Tourist Satisfaction: A literature Review’, ASEAN Marketing Journal, IX(1), 40-53. Aliman, N.K., Hashim, S.M., Wahid, S.D. & Harudin, S. (2016), ‘Tourists’ Satisfaction with a Destination: An Investigation on Visitors to Langkawi Island’, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 8(3), 173-188. Chen, C.F. & Tsai, D. (2007), ‘How destination image and valuation factors affct behavioral intentions’, Tourism Management, 28, 1115-1122. Chon, K.S. (1990), ‘The role of destination image in tourism: a review and discussion’, The Tourist Review, 45(2), 2-9. Dao Trung Kien, Tran Manh Toan, Bui Quang Tuyen, Nguyen Van Duy & Nguyen Thi Lien (2014), ‘The impact of local attributes on the satisfaction of investment enterprises: Evidence from Hai Duong’, Journal of Economics and Development, 210 (1), 43-52. De Ruyter, K., Wetzels, M. & Bloemer, J. (1997), ‘The dynamics of the service delivery process: a valuebased approach’, International Journal of Research in Marketing,14(3), 231-243. Dmitrovic T., Cvelbar, L. Kolah, T., Brencici, M., Ograjensek, I. & Zabkar, V. (2009), ‘Conceptualizing tourist satisfaction at the destination level’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3(2), 116-126. Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R. & Tatham, R. (2006), Multivariate Data Analysis, 6th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Khatib, F.S., and Al-Ali R.O. (2011), ‘Factors affcting tourists satisfaction of Jordan as a tourism destination’, Studies in Business and Economics, 16(1), 19-38. Kotler, P. (2001), Marketing Management, Millennium Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Lin, C.H., Morais, D., Kerstetter, D. & Hou, J.S. (2007), ‘Examining the role of cognitive and affctive image in predicting choice across natural, developed and theme-park destinations’, Journal of Travel Research, 46, 183-194. Martin, H.S. & Del Bosque, I.A. (2008), ‘Exploring the cognitive – affctive nature of destination image and the role of psychological factors in its formation’, Tourism Management, 29(2), 263-277. Meng, Shiang-Min, Liang, Gin-Shuh & Yang, Shi-Hao (2011), ‘Relationship of cruise image, perceived value, satisfaction, and Post-purchase behavioral intention on Taiwan tourists’, African Journal of Business Management, 5(1), 19-29. Mossberg, L. & Kleppe, I. (2005), ‘Country and destination image: Diffrent or similar image concepts’, The Service Industries Journal, 25(4), 493-503. Nguyen, N. & Leblanc, G. (2011), ‘Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers, retention decisions in services’, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 8(4), 277-236. Nunnally, J.C. & Bernstein, I.H. (1994), ‘The assessment of reliability’, Psychometric Theory, 3 rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 248-292. Phan Minh Duc & Le Tan Buu (2017), ‘The impact of destination image, emotional value on the satisfaction and the loyalty of visitors to Da Lat city’, Journal of Economics and Development, 236 (2), 82-91. Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam (2017), Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW, on developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector, promulgated on January 16th, 2017. Sadeh, E., Asgari, F., Mousavi, L. & Sadeh, S. (2012), ‘Factor affcting tourist satisfaction and its consequences’, Journal of Basis and Applied Scientifi Research, 2(2), 1557-2012. Severt, D., Wang, Y., Chen, P. & Breiter, D. (2007), ‘Examining the motivation, perceived performance and behavioral intentions of conventional attendees: Evidence from a regional conference’, Tourism Management, 28(2), 399-408. Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee (2017), ‘Thai Nguyen Provincial Culture, Sports and Tourism Program in the period of 2017-2020’, issued on June 26, 2017 under Decision No. 1570 / QD-UBND of the Provincial People’s Committee Thai Nguyen. Ugurlu, T. (2010), Defiition of tourism: UNWTO defiition of tourism-what is tourism, retrieved on June 3rd 2018, from <>. Um, S., Chon, K. & Ro, Y. (2006), ‘Antecedents of revisit intention’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4), 1141-1158. Wang, X., Zhang, J., Gu, C. & Zhen, F. (2009), ‘Examining antecedents and consequences of tourist satisfaction: a structural modeling approach’, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 14(3), 397-406. Williams, P. & Soutar, G.M (2009), ‘Value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in an adventure tourism context’, Annals of Tourism Research, 36(3), 413-438. Woodruff R.B. (1997), ‘Customer value: the next source of competitive advantage’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(22), 139-153. World Travel and Tourism Council (2017), Coping with success managing overcrowding in tourism destinations. Executive Summary retrieved on June 16th, 2018, from < fies/reports/policy-research/coping-with-success-executive-summary.pdf>. Zabkar, V., Brencic, M. & Dmitrovic, T. (2010), ‘Modeling perceive quality, visitors’ satisfaction and behavioral intensions at the destination level’, Tourism Management, 31(4), 537-546.
    Bộ sưu tập
    02. Tạp chí (Tiếng Anh)

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